How to cite OpenMiChroMΒΆ

Please acknowledge the use of this software within the body of your publication for example by copying or adapting the following formulation:

The chromatin dynamics simulations were performed using Open-MiChroM package[1].

[1] Oliveira Jr, A. B., Contessoto, V. G., Mello, M. F., & Onuchic, J. N. (2020). A scalable computational approach for simulating complexes of multiple chromosomes. Journal of Molecular Biology, 433(6), 166700.

The paper is available online from Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB).

To cite this reference, you can use the following BibTeX entry:

  title={A scalable computational approach for simulating complexes of multiple chromosomes},
  author={Oliveira Jr, Antonio B  and
  Contessoto, Vinicius G and
  Mello, Matheus F and
  Onuchic, Jose N},
  journal={Journal of Molecular Biology},
  doi = {},