Source code for OpenMiChroM.Optimization

# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 The Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP) - Rice University
# This file is from the Open-MiChroM project, released under the MIT License.

The :class:`~.Optimization` classes perform the energy function parameters training of the chromosomes based on experimental Hi-C data.

# with OpenMM 7.7.0, the import calls have changed. So, try both, if needed
        # >=7.7.0
        from import *
        # earlier
        print('Unable to load OpenMM as \'openmm\'. Will try the older way \'simtk.openmm\'')
        from import *
    print('Failed to load OpenMM. Check your configuration.')

import numpy as np
import random
from scipy.spatial import distance
import scipy as sc
import itertools
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
import os
import pandas as pd
import warnings

[docs]class AdamTraining: R""" The :class:`~.AdamTraining` class performs the parameters training for each selected loci pair interaction. Details about the methodology are decribed in "Zhang, Bin, and Peter G. Wolynes. "Topology, structures, and energy landscapes of human chromosomes." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112.19 (2015): 6062-6067." The :class:`~.AdamTraining` class receive a Hi-C matrix (text file) as input. The parameters :math:`\mu` (mu) and rc are part of the probability of crosslink function :math:`f(r_{i,j}) = \frac{1}{2}\left( 1 + tanh\left[\mu(r_c - r_{i,j}\right] \right)`, where :math:`r_{i,j}` is the spatial distance between loci (beads) *i* and *j*. Args: mu (float, required): Parameter in the probability of crosslink function. (Default value = 2.0). rc (float, required): Parameter in the probability of crosslink function. (Default value = 2.0). eta (float, required): Learning rate applied in each step (Default value = 0.01). beta1 (float, required): The hyper-parameter of Adam are initial decay rates used when estimating the first and second moments of the gradient. (Default value = 0.9). beta2 (float, required): The hyper-parameter of Adam are initial decay rates used when estimating the first and second moments of the gradient. (Default value = 0.999). it (int, required) The iteration step """ def __init__(self, mu=2.0, rc = 2.0, eta=0.01, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8, it=1): self.m_dw, self.v_dw = 0, 0 self.m_db, self.v_db = 1, 1 self.beta1 = beta1 self.beta2 = beta2 self.epsilon = epsilon self.eta = eta = mu self.rc = rc self.NFrames = 0 self.t = it def _update(self, w, b, dw, db): R"""Adam optimization step. This function updates weights and biases for each step. """ ## dw, db are from current minibatch ## momentum beta 1 # *** weights *** # self.m_dw = self.beta1*self.m_dw + (1-self.beta1)*dw # *** biases *** # self.m_db = self.beta1*self.m_db + (1-self.beta1)*db ## rms beta 2 # *** weights *** # self.v_dw = self.beta2*self.v_dw + (1-self.beta2)*(dw**2) # *** biases *** # self.v_db = self.beta2*self.v_db + (1-self.beta2)*(db) ## bias correction m_dw_corr = self.m_dw/(1-self.beta1**self.t) m_db_corr = self.m_db/(1-self.beta1**self.t) v_dw_corr = self.v_dw/(1-self.beta2**self.t) v_db_corr = self.v_db/(1-self.beta2**self.t) ## update weights and biases w = w - self.eta*(m_dw_corr/(np.sqrt(v_dw_corr)+self.epsilon)) b = b - self.eta*(m_db_corr/(np.sqrt(v_db_corr)+self.epsilon)) self.t += 1 return w, b
[docs] def knight_ruiz_balance(matrix, tol=1e-5, max_iter=100): R""" Perform the Knight-Ruiz matrix balancing. """ A = np.array(matrix, dtype=float) n = A.shape[0] row_scaling = np.ones(n) col_scaling = np.ones(n) for _ in range(max_iter): row_scaling = np.sqrt(np.sum(A, axis=1)) A /= row_scaling[:, None] col_scaling = np.sqrt(np.sum(A, axis=0)) A /= col_scaling if np.all(np.abs(row_scaling - 1) < tol) and np.all(np.abs(col_scaling - 1) < tol): break return A
[docs] def normalize_matrix(matrix): R""" Normalize the matrix for simulation optimization. Here the first neighbor should have the probability of contact P=1.0. """ matrix = np.nan_to_num(matrix, nan=0, posinf=0, neginf=0) np.fill_diagonal(matrix,0.0) max_values = np.amax(np.triu(matrix), axis=1) # To avoid division by zero, replace zeros with ones max_values[max_values == 0] = 0.0000001 normalized_matrix = np.triu(matrix) / max_values[:, np.newaxis] # return normalized_matrix matrix= normalized_matrix + np.triu(normalized_matrix,k=1).T np.fill_diagonal(matrix,1.0) return matrix
[docs] def getPars(self, HiC, centerRemove=False, centrange=[0,0], cutoff='deprecate', norm=True, cutoff_low=0.0, cutoff_high=1.0, KR=False, neighbors=0): R""" Receives the experimental Hi-C map (Full dense matrix) in a text format and performs the data normalization from Hi-C frequency/counts/reads to probability. Args: HiC (file, required): Experimental Hi-C map (Full dense matrix) in a text format. centerRemove (bool, optional): Whether to set the contact probability of the centromeric region to zero. (Default value: :code:`False`). centrange (list, required if **centerRemove** = :code:`True`)): Range of the centromeric region, *i.e.*, :code:`centrange=[i,j]`, where *i* and *j* are the initial and final beads in the centromere. (Default value = :code:`[0,0]`). cutoff (float, optional): Cutoff value for reducing the noise in the original data. Values lower than the **cutoff** are considered :math:`0.0`. """ warnings.warn("getPars is deprecated, use getHiCexp instead", DeprecationWarning) # get the file extension _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(HiC) if file_extension == '.npy': # use np.load if the file is a .npy file allmap = np.load(HiC) else: allmap = np.loadtxt(HiC) if KR==True: allmap = knight_ruiz_balance(allmap) if norm==True: r=normalize_matrix(allmap) for i in range(len(r)-1): maxElem = r[i][i+1] if (maxElem != np.max(r[i])): for j in range(len(r[i])): if maxElem != 0.0: r[i][j] = float(r[i][j] / maxElem) else: r[i][j] = 0.0 if r[i][j] > 1.0: r[i][j] = 0.5 rd = np.transpose(r) self.expHiC = r+rd + np.diag(np.ones(len(r))) else: self.expHiC = allmap if (centerRemove): centrome = range(centrange[0],centrange[1]) self.expHiC[centrome,:] = 0.0 self.expHiC[:,centrome] = 0.0 #remove noise by cutoff if cutoff!='deprecate': print('Depreaction warning!\nUsing `cutoff` in getPars is deprecated! Use either `cutoff_low` or `cutoff_high`. \nSetting cutoff_low=cutoff! \n') assert type(cutoff)==float, 'Cut off must be a float' cutoff_low = cutoff if cutoff_low>0.0: self.expHiC[self.expHiC<cutoff_low] = 0.0 if cutoff_high<1.0: self.expHiC[self.expHiC>cutoff_high] = 0.0 # Remove the number of Neighbors to optimize. M=self.expHiC neighbor_mask = np.abs(np.subtract.outer(np.arange(len(M)), np.arange(len(M)))) <= neighbors M[neighbor_mask] = 0.0 self.expHiC = M self.mask = self.expHiC == 0.0 self.phi_exp = self.expHiC self.reset_Pi()
def reset_Pi(self): R""" Resets Pi matrix to zeros """ if not hasattr(self, "phi_exp"): print("Cannot reset Pi; HiC map shape unknown. Load HiC map first!") else: self.Pi = np.zeros(self.phi_exp.shape) self.NFrames = 0
[docs] def getHiCexp(self, HiC, centerRemove=False, centrange=[0,0], norm=True, cutoff_low=0.0, cutoff_high=1.0, KR=False, neighbors=0): R""" Receives the experimental Hi-C map (Full dense matrix) in a text format and performs the data normalization from Hi-C frequency/counts/reads to probability. Args: HiC (file, required): Experimental Hi-C map (Full dense matrix) in a text format. centerRemove (bool, optional): Whether to set the contact probability of the centromeric region to zero. (Default value: :code:`False`). centrange (list, required if **centerRemove** = :code:`True`)): Range of the centromeric region, *i.e.*, :code:`centrange=[i,j]`, where *i* and *j* are the initial and final beads in the centromere. (Default value = :code:`[0,0]`). cutoff (float, optional): Cutoff value for reducing the noise in the original data. Values lower than the **cutoff** are considered :math:`0.0`. """ # get the file extension _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(HiC) if file_extension == '.npy': # use np.load if the file is a .npy file allmap = np.load(HiC) else: allmap = np.loadtxt(HiC) if KR==True: allmap = knight_ruiz_balance(allmap) if norm==True: r=normalize_matrix(allmap) for i in range(len(r)-1): maxElem = r[i][i+1] if (maxElem != np.max(r[i])): for j in range(len(r[i])): if maxElem != 0.0: r[i][j] = float(r[i][j] / maxElem) else: r[i][j] = 0.0 if r[i][j] > 1.0: r[i][j] = 0.5 rd = np.transpose(r) self.expHiC = r+rd + np.diag(np.ones(len(r))) else: self.expHiC = allmap if (centerRemove): centrome = range(centrange[0],centrange[1]) self.expHiC[centrome,:] = 0.0 self.expHiC[:,centrome] = 0.0 #remove noise by cutoff if cutoff_low>0.0: self.expHiC[self.expHiC<cutoff_low] = 0.0 if cutoff_high<1.0: self.expHiC[self.expHiC>cutoff_high] = 0.0 # Remove the number of Neighbors to optimize. M=self.expHiC neighbor_mask = np.abs(np.subtract.outer(np.arange(len(M)), np.arange(len(M)))) <= neighbors M[neighbor_mask] = 0.0 self.expHiC = M self.mask = self.expHiC == 0.0 self.phi_exp = self.expHiC self.reset_Pi()
[docs] def reset_Pi(self): R""" Resets Pi matrix to zeros """ if not hasattr(self, "phi_exp"): print("Cannot reset Pi; HiC map shape unknown. Load HiC map first!") else: self.Pi = np.zeros(self.phi_exp.shape) self.NFrames = 0
[docs] def probCalc(self, state): R""" Calculates the contact probability matrix for a given state. """ Pi = 0.5*(1.0 + np.tanh(*(self.rc - distance.cdist(state,state, 'euclidean')))) self.Pi += Pi self.NFrames += 1
def _getGrad(self): R""" Calcultes the gradient function. """ return (-self.phi_sim + self.phi_exp)
[docs] def getLamb(self, Lambdas, fixedPoints=None): R""" Calculates the Lagrange multipliers of each pair of interaction and returns the matrix containing the energy values for the optimization step. Args: Lambdas (file, required): The matrix containing the energies values used to make the simulation in that step. fixedPoints (list, optional): List of all pairs (i,j) of interactions that will remain unchanged throughout the optimization procedure. Returns: :math:`(N,N)` :class:`numpy.ndarray`: Returns an updated matrix of interactions between each pair of bead. """ self.phi_sim = self.Pi/self.NFrames self.phi_sim[self.mask] = 0.0 grad = self._getGrad() self.lambdas = pd.read_csv(Lambdas, sep=None, engine='python') newlamb_values, newbias_values = self._update(self.lambdas.values, self.lambdas.values, grad, grad) self.bias = newbias_values if fixedPoints == None: lamb = pd.DataFrame(newlamb_values,columns=list(self.lambdas.columns.values)) else: for p in fixedPoints: #fixedPoints is a list of tuples for iteraction fixed i,j self.mask[p] = True lambs_final = np.where(self.mask,self.lambdas.values, newlamb_values) lamb = pd.DataFrame(lambs_final,columns=list(self.lambdas.columns.values)) self.error = np.sum(np.absolute(np.triu(self.phi_sim, k=3) - np.triu(self.phi_exp, k=3)))/np.sum(np.triu(self.phi_exp, k=3)) return (lamb)
[docs]class FullTraining: R""" The :class:`~.FullTraining` class performs the parameters training for each selected loci pair interaction. Details about the methodology are decribed in "Zhang, Bin, and Peter G. Wolynes. "Topology, structures, and energy landscapes of human chromosomes." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112.19 (2015): 6062-6067." The :class:`~.FullTraining` class receive a Hi-C matrix (text file) as input. The parameters :math:`\mu` (mu) and rc are part of the probability of crosslink function :math:`f(r_{i,j}) = \frac{1}{2}\left( 1 + tanh\left[\mu(r_c - r_{i,j}\right] \right)`, where :math:`r_{i,j}` is the spatial distance between loci (beads) *i* and *j*. Args: mu (float, required): Parameter in the probability of crosslink function. (Default value = 2.0). rc (float, required): Parameter in the probability of crosslink function, :math:`f(rc) = 0.5`. (Default value = 2.5). cutoff (float, optional): Cutoff value for reducing the noise in the original data. Values lower than the **cutoff** are considered :math:`0.0`. reduce (bool, optional): Whether to reduce the number of interactions to be considered in the inversion. If False, it will consider every possible interaction :math:`(N*(N-1)/2)`. If True, it is necessary to give values for the lower and higher cutoffs. (Default value: :code:`True`). pair_h (int, required if **reduce** = :code:`True`): Loci selection to apply the high-resolution cutoff. If **pair_h** = 2, the interaction in the high-resolution index grid :math:`2 : 2 : N × 2:2:N` are subject to a cutoff value **c_h**, where `N` is the total number of monomers interactions (Default value = 2). c_h (float, required if **reduce** = :code:`True`)): The the high-resolution cutoff. (Default value = 0.1). pair_l (int, required if **reduce** = :code:`True`)): Loci selection to apply the high-resolution cutoff. If **pair_l** = 4, the interaction in the low-resolution index grid :math:`1:4:N×1:4:N` are subject to a cutoff value **c_l**, where `N` is the total number of monomers interactions (Default value = 4). c_l (float, required if **reduce** = :code:`True`)): The the low-resolution cutoff. (Default value = 0.02). """ def __init__(self, expHiC, mu=2.0, rc=2.5, cutoff=0.0, reduce=True, pair_h=2, c_h=0.1, pair_l=4, c_l=0.02 ): self.mi = mu self.rc = rc self.cutoff = cutoff self.getHiCexp(expHiC, centerRemove=False, centrange=[0,0]) self.hic_sparse = sc.sparse.csr_matrix(np.triu(self.expHiC, k=2)) if (reduce): self.appCutoff(pair_h, c_h, pair_l, c_l) self.ind = self.get_indices(self.hic_sparse) self.size = len(self.ind) self.Pi = np.zeros(self.size) self.Prob_dist = np.zeros(self.hic_sparse.shape) self.PiPj = np.zeros((self.size,self.size)) self.NFrames = 0
[docs] def createInitialLambda(self, sequenceFile, outputPath=".", initialGuess=0.0, baseLine=-0.2): lambdas = np.zeros(self.hic_sparse.shape) + baseLine for i in self.ind: lambdas[i] = initialGuess lambdas = np.triu(lambdas) + np.triu(lambdas).T self.saveLambdas(sequenceFile=sequenceFile, data=lambdas, outputPath=outputPath, name="lambda_0")
[docs] def appCutoff(self, pair_h, c_h, pair_l, c_l): R""" Applies the cutoff for low- and high-resolution values. """ N = self.hic_sparse.shape[0] print('Non-zero interactions before the cutoff: ', self.hic_sparse.nnz) hic_full = self.hic_sparse.todense() hic_final = np.zeros(self.hic_sparse.shape) values = [n for n in range(0,N,pair_h)] index = [x for x in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(values, r=2)] for i in index: if (hic_full[i] > c_h): hic_final[i] = hic_full[i] high_cut_number = sc.sparse.csr_matrix(np.triu(hic_final, k=2)).nnz print('Non-zero interactions after high-resolution cutoff ({}): {}'.format( c_h, high_cut_number )) values = [n for n in range(1,N,pair_l)] index = [x for x in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(values, r=2)] for i in index: if (hic_full[i] > c_l): hic_final[i] = hic_full[i] self.hic_sparse = sc.sparse.csr_matrix(np.triu(hic_final, k=2)) print('Non-zero interactions after low-resolution cutoff ({}): {}'.format(c_l, (self.hic_sparse.nnz-high_cut_number) )) print('Total Non-zero interactions: {}'.format(self.hic_sparse.nnz))
[docs] def get_indices(self, hic): R""" Receives non-zero interaction indices, *i.e.*, the loci pair *i* and *j* which interaction will be optimized. """ index = sc.sparse.find(hic) self.rows = index[0] self.cols = index[1] self.values = index[2] ind = [] for i in range(len(index[0])): ind.append((self.rows[i], self.cols[i])) return(ind)
[docs] def probCalc(self, state): R""" Calculates the contact probability matrix and the cross term of the Hessian. """ Prob = 0.5*(1.0 + np.tanh(self.mi*(self.rc - distance.cdist(state,state, 'euclidean')))) Pi = [] for i in self.ind: Pi.append(Prob[i[0], i[1]]) Pi = np.array(Pi) PiPj = np.outer(Pi,Pi) self.PiPj += PiPj self.Prob_dist += Prob self.Pi += Pi self.NFrames += 1
[docs] def getPearson(self): R""" Calculates the Pearson's Correlation between the experimental Hi-C used as a reference for the training and the *in silico* Hi-C obtained from the optimization step. """ r1 = sc.sparse.csr_matrix((self.Pi/self.NFrames,(self.rows,self.cols)), shape=(self.expHiC.shape[0],self.expHiC.shape[0])).todense() r2 = self.hic_sparse.todense() r1[np.isinf(r1)]= 0.0 r1[np.isnan(r1)]= 0.0 r1[r1 <= 0.001]= 0.0 r2[np.isinf(r2)]= 0.0 r2[np.isnan(r2)]= 0.0 r2[r2<=0.001] = 0.0 np.fill_diagonal(r1,0.0) np.fill_diagonal(r2,0.0) SEED = 100 random.seed(SEED) print(len(list(r1[np.triu_indices(np.shape(r1)[0])]))) print("\n") print(int(0.01*np.shape(r1)[0]*np.shape(r1)[0])) a1 = np.asarray(random.sample(list(r1[np.triu_indices(np.shape(r1)[0])]),int(0.01*np.shape(r1)[0]*np.shape(r1)[0]))) a1 = r1[np.triu_indices(np.shape(r1)[0])] random.seed(SEED) a2 = np.asarray(random.sample(list(r2[np.triu_indices(np.shape(r2)[0])]),int(0.01*np.shape(r2)[0]*np.shape(r2)[0]))) a2 = r2[np.triu_indices(np.shape(r1)[0])] return(pearsonr(a1,a2)[0])
[docs] def saveLambdas(self, sequenceFile, data, outputPath, name): seq = np.loadtxt(sequenceFile, dtype=str)[:,1] lamb = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=seq) lamb.to_csv(os.path.join(outputPath, name), index=False) print("{} file save in {}".format(name, outputPath))
[docs] def getLambdas(self): R""" Calculates the Lagrange multipliers of each selected interaction and returns the matrix containing the energy values for the optimization step. """ self.phi_exp = self.values self.phi_sim = self.Pi/self.NFrames gij = self.phi_exp - self.phi_sim Pi2_mean = np.outer(self.phi_sim,self.phi_sim) PiPj_mean = self.PiPj/self.NFrames Bij = PiPj_mean - Pi2_mean invBij = sc.linalg.pinvh(Bij) lambdas = np.matmul(invBij, gij) lamb_matrix = sc.sparse.csr_matrix((lambdas,(self.rows,self.cols)), shape=(self.expHiC.shape[0],self.expHiC.shape[0])) self.error = (np.sum(np.absolute(gij)))/(np.sum(self.phi_exp)) return(lamb_matrix)
[docs]class CustomMiChroMTraining: R""" The :class:`~.CustomMiChroMTraining` class performs the parameters training employing MiChroM (Minimal Chromatin Model) energy function. Details about the methodology are decribed in "Di Pierro, Michele, et al. "Transferable model for chromosome architecture." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.43 (2016): 12168-12173." The :class:`~.CustomMiChroMTraining` class receive a Hi-C matrix (text file) as input. The parameters :math:`\mu` (mi) and rc are part of the probability of crosslink function :math:`f(r_{i,j}) = \frac{1}{2}\left( 1 + tanh\left[\mu(r_c - r_{i,j}\right] \right)`, where :math:`r_{i,j}` is the spatial distance between loci (beads) *i* and *j*. :class:`~.CustomMiChroMTraining` optimizes the type-to-type (Types) and the Ideal Chromosome (IC) potential parameters separately. Args: ChromSeq (file, required): Chromatin sequence of types file. The first column should contain the locus index. The second column should have the locus type annotation. A template of the chromatin sequence of types file can be found at the `Nucleome Data Bank (NDB) <>`_. TypesTable (file, required): A txt/TSV/CSV file containing the upper triangular matrix of the type-to-type interactions. (Default value: :code:`None`). mu (float, required): Parameter in the probability of crosslink function (Default value = 3.22, for human chromosomes in interphase). rc (float, required): Parameter in the probability of crosslink function, :math:`f(rc) = 0.5` (Default value = 1.78, for human chromosomes in interphase). cutoff (float, optional): Cutoff value for reducing the noise in the original data. Values lower than the **cutoff** are considered :math:`0.0`. IClist (file, required for Ideal Chromosome training): A one-column text file containing the energy interaction values for loci *i* and *j* separated by a genomic distance :math:`d`. The list should be at least of the size :math:`dend-dinit`. (Default value: :code:`None`). dinit (int, required): The first neighbor in sequence separation (Genomic Distance) to be considered in the Ideal Chromosome potential for training. (Default value = 3). dend (int, required): The last neighbor in sequence separation (Genomic Distance) to be considered in the Ideal Chromosome potential for training. (Default value = 200). """ def __init__(self, ChromSeq="chr_beads.txt", TypesTable=None, mu=3.22, rc=1.78, cutoff=0.0, IClist=None, dinit=3, dend=200): self.ChromSeq = self._get_chrom_seq(ChromSeq) self.size = len(self.ChromSeq) self.P=np.zeros((self.size,self.size)) self.Pold=np.zeros((self.size,self.size)) self.r_cut = rc = mu tab = pd.read_csv(TypesTable, sep=None, engine='python') self.header_types = list(tab.columns.values) self.diff_types = set(self.ChromSeq) if not self.diff_types.issubset(set(self.header_types)): errorlist = [] for i in self.diff_types: if not (i in set(self.header_types)): errorlist.append(i) raise ValueError("Types: {} are not present in TypesTables: {}\n".format(errorlist, self.header_types)) self.lambdas_old = np.triu(tab.values) + np.triu(tab.values, k=1).T self.n_types = len(self.diff_types) self.n_inter = int(self.n_types*(self.n_types-1)/2 + self.n_types) self.Pold_type = np.zeros((self.n_types, self.n_types)) self.PiPj_type = np.zeros((self.n_inter,self.n_inter)) self.Nframes = 0 self.PiPj_IC = np.zeros((dend-dinit,dend-dinit)) self.dinit = dinit self.dend = dend self.cutoff = cutoff if not IClist == None: try: f = open(str(IClist),"r") self.IClist = IClist except IOError: print("Error in opening the file containing the Ideal Chromosome interactions!") def _get_chrom_seq(self, filename): R"""Reads the chromatin sequence as letters of the types/compartments. Args: filename (file, required): Chromatin sequence of types file. The first column should contain the locus index. The second column should have the locus type annotation. A template of the chromatin sequence of types file can be found at the `Nucleome Data Bank (NDB) <>`_. Returns: :math:`(N,1)` :class:`numpy.ndarray`: Returns an array of the sequence of chromatin types. """ my_list = [] af = open(filename,'r') pos = for t in range(len(pos)): pos[t] = pos[t].split() my_list.append(pos[t][1]) return np.array(my_list)
[docs] def prob_calculation_IC(self, state): R""" Calculates the contact probability matrix and the cross term of the Hessian for the Ideal Chromosome optimization. """ dmax = self.dend - self.dinit self.Pold += self.P self.P = 0.5*(1.0 + np.tanh(*(self.r_cut - distance.cdist(state,state, 'euclidean')))) self.P[self.P<self.cutoff] = 0.0 Pi = np.array([]) for i in range(dmax): Pi = np.append(Pi, np.mean(np.diagonal(self.P, offset=(i+self.dinit)))) PiPj = np.outer(Pi, Pi) self.PiPj_IC += PiPj self.Nframes += 1
[docs] def calc_phi_sim_IC(self): R""" Calculates the contact probability as a function of the genomic distance from simulations for the Ideal Chromosome optimization. """ dmax = self.dend - self.dinit phi = np.zeros(dmax) Pmean = self.Pold/self.Nframes for i in range(dmax): phi[i] = np.mean(np.diagonal(Pmean, offset=(i+self.dinit))) return phi
[docs] def get_PiPj_sim_IC(self): R""" Normalizes the cross term of the Hessian by the number of frames in the simulation for the Ideal Chromosome optimization. """ return self.PiPj_IC/self.Nframes
[docs] def get_HiC_exp(self, filename): R""" Receives the experimental Hi-C map (Full dense matrix) in a text format and performs the data normalization from Hi-C frequency/counts/reads to probability. """ allmap = np.loadtxt(filename) r=np.triu(allmap, k=1) r[np.isinf(r)]= 0.0 r[np.isnan(r)]= 0.0 r = normalize(r, axis=1, norm='max') rd = np.transpose(r) self.expHiC = r+rd + np.diag(np.ones(len(r))) self.expHiC[self.expHiC<self.cutoff] = 0.0
[docs] def calc_phi_exp_IC(self): R""" Calculates the contact probability as a function of the genomic distance from the experimental Hi-C for the Ideal Chromosome optimization. """ dmax = self.dend - self.dinit phi = np.zeros(dmax) for i in range(dmax): phi[i] = np.mean(np.diagonal(self.expHiC, offset=(i+self.dinit))) return phi
[docs] def get_lambdas_IC(self, exp_map='file.dense', damp=3*10**-7, write_error=True): R""" Calculates the Lagrange multipliers for the Ideal Chromosome optimization and returns a array containing the energy values for the IC optimization step. Args: exp_map (file, required): The experimental Hi-C map with the .dense file. (Default value: :code:`file.dense`). damp (float): The learning parameter for the new lambda. (Default value = :math:`3*10**-7`). dmax (float): The maximum distance in the sequence separation (Genomic Distance) to be considered for the convergence of the potential interations. (Default value = 200). The learning parameter for the new lambda. (Default value = :math:`3*10**-7`). write_error (boolean): Flag to write the tolerance and Pearson's correlation values. (Default value: :code:`True`). """ dmax = self.dend - self.dinit self.get_HiC_exp(exp_map) phi_exp = self.calc_phi_exp_IC() phi_sim = self.calc_phi_sim_IC() g = -phi_sim + phi_exp # *1/beta = 1 B = np.zeros((dmax,dmax)) PiPj_mean = self.get_PiPj_sim_IC() for i, j in itertools.product(range(dmax),range(dmax)): B[i,j] = PiPj_mean[i,j] - (phi_sim[i]*phi_sim[j]) invB = sc.linalg.pinv(B) self.lambdas_new =,g) self.lambdas_old = np.genfromtxt(str(self.IClist)) lambdas_final = self.lambdas_old[:dmax] - damp*self.lambdas_new if write_error: self.tolerance = np.sum(np.absolute(g))/np.sum(phi_exp) self.pearson = self.get_Pearson() with open('tolerance_and_pearson_IC','a') as tf: tf.write("Tolerance: %f Pearson's Correlation: %f\n" % (self.tolerance, self.pearson)) return(lambdas_final)
[docs] def prob_calculation_types(self, state): R""" Calculates the contact probability matrix and the cross term of the Hessian for the type-to-type interactions optimization. """ PiPj = np.zeros((self.n_types,self.n_types)) n = int(self.n_types) p_instant = np.zeros((n,n)) just = {} ind = np.triu_indices(n) for tt in self.header_types: just[tt] = ([i for i, e in enumerate(self.ChromSeq) if e == tt]) self.Pold += self.P self.P = 0.5*(1.0 + np.tanh(*(self.r_cut - distance.cdist(state,state, 'euclidean')))) self.P[self.P<self.cutoff] = 0.0 vec = [] for pcount,q in enumerate(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(just.keys(), r=2)): p_instant[ind[0][pcount], ind[1][pcount]] = np.average(self.P[np.ix_(just[q[0]], just[q[1]])]) vec.append(p_instant[ind[0][pcount], ind[1][pcount]]) vec = np.array(vec) PiPj = np.outer(vec,vec) self.Pold_type += p_instant self.PiPj_type += PiPj self.Nframes += 1
[docs] def calc_phi_exp_types(self): R""" Calculates the average of the contact probability for each chromatin type (compartment annotation) from the experimental Hi-C for the Types optimization. """ n = int(self.n_types) phi = np.zeros((n,n)) just = {} ind = np.triu_indices(n) for tt in self.header_types: just[tt] = ([i for i, e in enumerate(self.ChromSeq) if e == tt]) for pcount,q in enumerate(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(just.keys(), r=2)): nt=0 for i, j in itertools.product(just[q[0]],just[q[1]]): phi[ind[0][pcount], ind[1][pcount]] += self.expHiC[i,j] nt += 1 phi[ind[0][pcount], ind[1][pcount]] = phi[ind[0][pcount], ind[1][pcount]]/nt return phi
[docs] def calc_phi_sim_types(self): R""" Calculates the average of the contact probability for each chromatin type (compartment annotation) from simulation for the Types optimization. """ return self.Pold_type/self.Nframes
[docs] def get_PiPj_sim_types(self): R""" Normalizes the cross term of the Hessian by the number of frames in the simulation for the Types optimization. """ return self.PiPj_type/self.Nframes
[docs] def get_HiC_sim(self): R""" Calculates the *in silico* Hi-C map (Full dense matrix). """ return self.Pold/self.Nframes
[docs] def get_Pearson(self): R""" Calculates the Pearson's Correlation between the experimental Hi-C used as a reference for the training and the *in silico* Hi-C obtained from the optimization step. """ r1 = self.get_HiC_sim() r2 = self.expHiC r1[np.isinf(r1)]= 0.0 r1[np.isnan(r1)]= 0.0 r1[r1 <= 0.001]= 0.0 r2[np.isinf(r2)]= 0.0 r2[np.isnan(r2)]= 0.0 r2[r2<=0.001] = 0.0 np.fill_diagonal(r1,0.0) np.fill_diagonal(r2,0.0) SEED = 100 random.seed(SEED) a1 = np.asarray(random.sample(list(r1[np.triu_indices(np.shape(r1)[0])]),int(0.1*np.shape(r1)[0]*np.shape(r1)[0]))) a1 = r1[np.triu_indices(np.shape(r1)[0])] random.seed(SEED) a2 = np.asarray(random.sample(list(r2[np.triu_indices(np.shape(r2)[0])]),int(0.1*np.shape(r2)[0]*np.shape(r2)[0]))) a2 = r2[np.triu_indices(np.shape(r1)[0])] return(pearsonr(a1,a2)[0])
[docs] def get_lambdas_types(self, exp_map, damp=5*10**-7, write_error=True): R""" Calculates the Lagrange multipliers of each type-to-type interaction and returns the matrix containing the energy values for the optimization step. """ self.get_HiC_exp(exp_map) phi_exp = self.calc_phi_exp_types() phi_sim = self.calc_phi_sim_types() g = -phi_sim + phi_exp PiPj_mean = self.get_PiPj_sim_types() ind = np.triu_indices(self.n_types) phi_sim_linear = [] for pcount,q in enumerate(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(self.n_types), r=2)): phi_sim_linear.append(phi_sim[ind[0][pcount], ind[1][pcount]]) phi_sim_linear = np.array(phi_sim_linear) Pi2_mean = np.outer(phi_sim_linear,phi_sim_linear) B = PiPj_mean - Pi2_mean invB = sc.linalg.pinv(B) if write_error: tolerance = np.sum(np.absolute(g))/np.sum(phi_exp) pearson = self.get_Pearson() with open('tolerance_and_pearson_types','a') as tf: tf.write("Tolerance: %f Pearson's Correlation: %f\n" % (tolerance, pearson)) g_vec = [] for pcount,q in enumerate(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(self.n_types), r=2)): g_vec.append(g[ind[0][pcount], ind[1][pcount]]) g_vec = np.array(g_vec) lambdas = np.matmul(invB, g_vec) self.lambdas_new = np.zeros((self.n_types,self.n_types)) inds = np.triu_indices_from(self.lambdas_new) self.lambdas_new[inds] = lambdas self.lambdas_new[(inds[1], inds[0])] = lambdas lambdas_final = self.lambdas_old - damp*self.lambdas_new return(pd.DataFrame(lambdas_final,columns=self.header_types))